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08 April 2004
Curahan Hati
Hari ini gue dapet 2 masalah, yaitu: 1. kesiangan bangun reason: karena hari Selasa gue gak tidur, jam setengah 6 baru nutup mata....kerjaan banyak and masalh numpuk!! jadilah saya merem melek *bukan enak loh* nahan diri. 2. nabrak orang. reason: karena keburu-buru ke kantor...gue tancep gas aja...!!! dah gitu kejadian di deket kantor polisi...pas di kanan gue..*duh mami* Untungnya, ada seorang Bapak yang baik hati, dia yang ngebantuin gue...sebetulnya sih gak parah. Tapi memang tuh cowok nyari masalah aja *aargg!!* Akhirnya karena dah kesiangan, gue kasih business card aja, suruh contact gue!!! Dari pada sampe kantor gue malah juga disemprot Boss...tul gak?!! Gue ngerasa...kerjaan bukan satu-satunya yang bikin gue bingung I Just miss something....!!! A friendship that I thought would last for a long time. It hurts me badly to face this truth....!!! Deep in my heart, I know what I fell about our . I don't want to lose you...but, now part of myself is missing and I feel empty!! Should I choose??? I know this is difficult for us...it hurts sooo much, but.. I can't make the choice!!! I don't know what I wanna do..!!! I feel LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!! In one side, I find you as my completeness...but another side of me...?? I don't know... Should we be separated just because of our egos?? and then...are wo going to act like enemy, avoiding one another....or by not knowing or not noticing each other???? even though that's not what we want....and not what we feel in our hearts???!!! We're still thinking about each other.. We're still caring for each other.. We're still asking about each other to our friends.. We're still missing each other.. And this will always be like this.... Should we end like that??? And let everything that we have be gone and forgotten...???!!! I'm sorry.....but I can't make the choice....!!!
posted by Evelyn at 5:14 AM | Permalink |